The special issue aims to promote finance studies in the Asia-Pacific region. Potential research topics include those that have a primary finance research question in (but are not limited to) these areas:
Litigation Risk
Corporate crime
Financial Regulation
Behavioral Finance
Green Finance
Household Finance
Market Micro-structure
Risk Management
Other Related Topics in Corporate Finance and Governance
Notably, we will give high priority to and nurture brand-new finance research projects i.e., fresh ideas that have not yet been started. Specifically, we strongly encourage research teams to pitch a “pre-registered” report (before any data has been collected or analyzed). Then, both pre-registered reports and companion fully executed studies can be published after an appropriate peer review process.
The special issue calls for all research teams (including both pre-registered reports and fully executed studies) to work in line with the principles of “Responsible Science”.
It is of prime importance that all participants carefully read and be guided by “PBFJ Editorial … Engaging with responsible science. “OPEN FOR BUSINESS” – Launching the PBFJ pre-registration publication initiative” (access link: This guidance is especially critical for those participants interested in pitching a pre-registered report.
Editorial Team
Editor-in-Chief for PBFJ
Prof. Robert Faff
Bond University & University of Queensland
Guest Editors
Prof. Jing Ai
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Prof.Chuanwang Sun
Xiamen University
Assoc. Prof. Kai Xing
Nanchang University
Prof.Xiaoguang Yang
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Manuscript submission information:
Manuscript submission to the Conference: Papers for the special issue should first be presented at the Third Annual International Finance Conference to be held from July 12 to 14, 2024. Further details regarding the conference organisation will be released in due course. For more information, please contact Associate Professor Kai Xing at
The deadline for submissions to the conference is 15 May, 2024.
Manuscript Submission to the Journal: Selected reports and papers presented at the conference will be invited to be submitted to the “Pacific-Basin Finance Journal” (PACFIN) at
Instruction for Manuscript submission to the Journal
The Journal’s submission system will be open for submissions from 15th August 2024 for the Special Issue “2024 Innovation, misconduct, and regulation”. When submitting your manuscript please select the article type ‘VSI: Innovation, Misconduct & Regulation’. Please submit your manuscript/report before 31stDecember 2024.
All submissions deemed suitable to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
Once your manuscript is accepted, it will go into production and will be simultaneously published in the current regular issue and pulled into the online Special Issue. Articles from this Special Issue will appear in different regular issues of the journal, though they will be clearly marked and branded as Special Issue articles.
Please see an example here:
Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before writing your manuscript.
The Guide for Authors:
The link to submit your manuscript is available on the Journal’s homepage at:
Inquiries, including questions about appropriate topics, may be sent electronically