Previous Conferences

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1. The 3rd Asian International Finance Conference was held in Nanchang from July 12 to 14, 2024.

Conference Proceedings (Chinese Version PDF | English Version PDF), Conference Website:

Supporting Journals: Pacific-Basin Finance Journal (PBFJ), EMFT, China Finance Review International (CFRI), Journal of Systems Science and Information (JSSI), Systems Engineering Theory & Practice, Journal of Nanchang University

Media Coverage: The event was reported on People's Daily Online, China National Radio, China Daily, China News Service, and the university's news headline:

2. The 2nd Asian International Finance Conference was held in Nanchang from August 25 to 27, 2023.

Conference Proceedings (Chinese Version PDF), Conference Website:

Supporting Journals: British Accounting Review, Emerging Market Finance and Trade, Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies

Media Coverage: The event was reported on China National Radio, China Daily, China News Service, Jiangxi Daily, and the university's news headline:

3. The 1st  Asian International Finance Conference was held in Nanchang from August 20 to 21, 2022.

Conference Proceedings (Chinese Version PDF), Conference Website:

Supporting Journals: Emerging Market Finance and Trade

Media Coverage: The event was reported on People's Daily, China National Radio, Jiangxi Daily, and the university's news headline: