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发布人:  发布时间:2019年10月24日 12:00

主题 1SSCI写作和发文注意事项

主题2Growth sources of green economy and energy consumption in China: New evidence accounting for heterogeneous regimes






   李建强,博士,南昌大学特聘教授。担任国际学术期刊Energy Economics副主编(SSCI)、The Energy Journal国际编辑(SSCI

   李建强博士研究领域为能源经济学、金融学。以第一作者或通讯作者发表SSCI论文,包括Journal of MoneyCredit and BankingJournal of Futures MarketsMacroeconomic DynamicsJournal of International Money and FinanceTourism ManagementEnergy EconomicsThe Energy JournalEnergy PolicyResource and Energy EconomicsApplied EnergyEnergyJournal of Financial Services ResearchQuantitative FinanceEuropean Journal of FinanceJournal of Financial Stability 等,并有2 篇文章入选ESI 高被引论文(highly cited papers)。


This paper proposes an extended Solow decomposition framework with a finite mixture model, which is incorporated to account for heterogeneous regimes. The model decomposes green economy into two different components, namely, green total factor productivity and factor endowment. Then, we reestimate the growth sources of green economy and especially  the importance of energy consumption in China’s provincial industries over 2000-2015. The empirical results suggest that there are three green growth regimes across Chinese provinces for overall economy and different industries. Specifically, some provinces switch regime over time, while the others maintain the same regime. Furthermore, when controlling for regime heterogeneity, the contribution of factor endowment decreases and that of green total factor productivity increases. With respect to energy consumption, traditional methods overestimate its importance in the primary and tertiary industries and underestimate that in the secondary industry. In addition, the reliance of China’s overall economy and the secondary and tertiary industries on energy consumption decreases as economy develops.
