4月8日(星期五)上午9:00,对Badar Nadeem Ashraf进行博士后进站面试。欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学参加。
Badar Nadeem Ashraf简介
Badar Nadeem Ashraf,男,巴基斯坦人。2015年6月获华中科技大学金融会计专业博士学位。期间代表论文与获奖情况如下:
[1] Badar Nadeem Ashraf, Changjun Zheng, Sidra Arshad (2016). Effects of national culture on bank risk-taking behavior. Research in International Business and Finance Vol (37), Pages 95-114 (SJR)
[2] Badar Nadeem Ashraf, Changjun Zheng (2016). How to Regulatre Bank Dividends? Is Capital Regulation an Answer? Economic Modelling (under review) (SSCI)
[3] Badar Nadeem Ashraf & Changjun Zheng (2015). Shareholder protection, creditor rights and bank dividend policies.China Finance Review International Vol (5), Issue (2), Pages 135-150
[4] Badar Nadeem Ashraf et al. (2015). Regulatory hypothsis and bank dividend payouts: Empirical evidence from Italian banking sector. Journal of Financial Engineering Vol (2), Issue (1), Pages 15001-15
1. Best Paper Award from International Conference on Transnational Investment and Trade Relations between USA and Emerging-Market Economies, 2015, October 29-31, Hubei University, Wuhan, China.
2. Research support from National Natural Science Foundation of China as Co-investigator (Grant # 711073077).
3. Culture-exchange scholarship of Government of Pakistan for PhD 2012.